Care for loved ones.
Save lives.

The most important thing in this world is family. The people you love. When you are around, you can take care of them. But what about when you’re not? You can’t always be there… can you?

nami technology revolves around the concept of “peace of mind”. We want you to go about your day knowing that you can and will know when something happens at home to the people you care about.

Whether it’s children coming back from school to an empty home or a grandparent falling down in the kitchen, the familywill get notified when it happens and you can attend to it at once or have it automatically diverted to an emergency dispatch center.

This service isn’t exclusive for the home either, easily expandable to dedicated institutions where there are not enough caregivers to be solely dedicated one-on-one to their guests or patients. Our predictive AI engines help your operations operate more efficiently.